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Modern slavery statement

This is RPC's slavery and human trafficking statement

This slavery and human trafficking statement is made on behalf of Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP and its affiliated entities which provide legal services, pursuant to s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) for the financial year ending 30 April 2023.

A statement from the Managing Partner

RPC is a global law firm recognised as leaders in markets ranging from retail to insurance, technology to media. We have a global staff count of over 1000 people, comprising 131 partners and over 480 lawyers.

RPC is opposed to all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking. It has a severe impact on the individuals subjected to it and for wider society generally. RPC recognises that this is a global issue and takes steps to ensure its policies and controls are implemented across all its offices worldwide.

RPC is committed to adhering to the strictest ethical behaviour and standards in all of our business dealings. We recognise that we have a moral duty to do all we can to act transparently in this area and to try to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. We strive to raise awareness of modern slavery issues generally through our various workstreams both internally and externally and aim to conduct all of our business dealings in an ethical manner.

This statement is designed to provide an overview of our business, our supply chains and is intended to detail our policies and procedures used to combat modern slavery and human trafficking

This statement was reviewed and approved by RPC’s Partnership Executive Committee on behalf of the firm on 27 October 2023.


This statement has been approved by RPC’s partnership executive board. This statement will be reviewed annually and made available on our website.

James Miller, Managing Partner

Reviewed and revised: 27 October 2023

Next review: 27 October 2024

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